
Cumbria Beekeepers Association arranges and supports many events throughout the year,in particular the Honey Show and the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Both of these events include presentations by experts who share their knowledge and experience about bees and beekeeping, helping our members keep up to date with the latest research and approaches to bee husbandry. If you are thinking about entering a Honey show this makes for good reading.  Presentation for Honey Shows   The local branches have their own schedule of events and meetings. Some branches participate in the county agricultural and horticultural  shows. For more information about events and beekeeping activities in your area please contact your local branch.

County Events 2023

Cumbria Beekeepers Association and the local branches run events throughout the year, and attend a number of the counties agricultural shows.


Cel Bees Rockliffe




Keswick Branch at the Keswick Victorian Fayre Winning the cup for the best dressed stall.


Keswick Branch at the Keswick Agricultural Show 2023. 


Keswick Branch at Keswick Show


Penrith branch at Hutton-in-the-forrest Apple Day


Whitehaven Branch Pollen Microsopy Course.
For further information please contact the organiser at the participating branch.  

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